October 13, 2012

34 Weeks

This week brought on a weird combination of exhaustion and energy. At times I just wanted to sleep and then other times I was ready to be on my feet and bake! That means I have a new type of energy because I am not usually a baker. 
Weeks: 34
Weight gain: Probably around 26 pounds total.
Baby's size: Probably more than 5 pounds. Either way, he is big and squished:)
Changes: Energy to clean and bake!
Maternity clothes: Yes. I'm thankful I am pregnant during the long tank top fashion trend. Those have saved me and I can hide my unzipped pants easily!
Food cravings: Pumpkin things.
Food aversions: Nothing that I can think of.
Best moment this week: Travis and I spent a lot of our evenings sitting on the couch together--this seems to be baby boy's most active time. He ROLLS and pushes my stomach into very odd shapes.
Worst moment this week: Thinking I was going to get some Nursing bras from Target for about $15 each. Then realizing they don't have a size big enough!!!
Missing anything: Moving around easily. I was breathing hard the other morning after putting my socks on and tucking my jeans into my boots. Phew!:)
Looking forward to: Our doctor's appt on Monday. This is the first one where he will start talking about labor and the first week where he said they won't be stopping labor! AH!
Thanks for following and please pray that this baby is healthy and that he will fit coming out! I'm worried he is going to be HUGE and get stuck. Again, kind of irrational and if it is true there is really nothing I can do about it. Just thought I'd ask for prayer for a baby under 10 pounds:) Preferably around 7 would be great--but that's not happening. Unless he comes next week:)

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